
{ december } staying warm

first fire of the season

Saturday night ushered in some crazy cold weather in these parts.  Kansas City is not used to extended periods of blustery winds and temps in the single digits.  (-20F windchill!  Oh MY!)  Hubs decided it was time for our first fire and threw on a log.  We made hot chocolate and switched into our jammies, found Frosty the Snowman Comes to Town on the tv, and snuggled up for a night of staying in. 

Thank you for all of the well wishes!  Things will be slowing down here around the blog for a bit while I spend every minute soaking up the goodness of the season.  I have limited myself to one crafty gift and that is already completed.  What a relief!  I'm going to focus my energy and spirits on making things merry and bright around the house with my girls.  Food and crafts included.

Two easy tree crafts caught my eye this morning:

1) These little pom pom trees for the little fingers to decorate,


2) these little stuffed trees for the mama to make and decorate.  (In white felt!  oooh!)

Perhaps I should add some gingerbread men to the mix??  We have already planned to make our gingerbread houses this weekend.  I can't wait.  :)

Also in my head today, Tif's lovely hearth.  Amazingly peachy perfect in every way!

miss chris

{ love this! } things I'd like to try + a baby blanket

blanket for ella

As if a mile-high stack of clothing projects in the sewing room, kitchen makeover planning, that etsy shop that keeps staring with sad doggy eyes, and a new workout regime weren't already fighting for every spare minute of my time... I keep finding little projects here and there and adding them to my list.


This tiny little play house at house wren studio

Alicia's wrist cuff tutorial

Dyeing trim and what not a la Beki

Crochet a flowered baby beanie cap once I have figured out how to crochet.

The Japanese coin purse at Purl Bee

the nursery is red and black and white

And I have been terrible about reading up on everything these days, so I'm sure there are more fun projects out there.  What are you wanting to try???


Photos are of a baby blanket made for Fidget's former teacher, Miss Andrea.  Fidge was so excited to attend her very first baby shower.  

Like the blanket that Jade made for Wonderbaby, this one is backed with a fuzzy minky fabric, turned inside out and topstitched around the edge for closure.  There must be something to it, because WB kept wanting to snuggle it, too.

Happy Weekending! xoxo

{ parade break } Craft Hope for Haiti Etsy Store

I'm sure you already figured this out, but I'm taking a break in the Parade of Handmade to help Jade and Sarah with the Craft Hope for Haiti Etsy Store project.

It's all so humbling...The number of donations that are coming in.  How quickly the items are selling.  The speed at which the news of this project is spreading.  Good triumphs.  It totally does. 

Craft Hope Etsy Store for Haiti Website 

If you haven't had a chance to check it out, make sure you do. 

Some of my faves so far? 

This bag.  Oh my.

kawaii bag

and this one, too...


This gorgeousness sold already...


So did this adorableness...


and this schnazziness, which makes me long for 80 degree weather...


....but maybe you can get there fast enough to snatch

Princess Print 

...  or ....

Hot Spots Quilt 

Not feeling that spendy?  How about $4? 

Embroidery pattern

All proceeds go to Doctors Without Borders.  We are listing items nearly every minute and they are going as fast as we can get them up there, so check back often.  You won't be sorry!



Feel good moment + tulips + snot

Sharing: Apparently this is one of the most popular YouTube videos right now.  I just saw it.  It could be the hormones, but I'm all teared up and happy right now.  Go on, you'll see what I mean. 

birthday tulips

Loving: My birthday tulips from Fidget.  They came potted, which makes me so happy.  Anyone know the protocol for planting the bulbs once the flowers are spent?  Do I wait until fall or just until after the last frost?

Feeling:  A little off-kilter this week.  Balancing a resurgent cold + chronic rhinitus that shows up every pregnancy = not sleeping well.   My poor ENT can do nothing for me but shake his head and apologize that his hands are tied because I'm pregnant.  I've even ruptured a blood vessel in my nose.  Good times.  Beathing, who knew it was such a big deal?

Planning: Surprises for a special girl who turned 13 today.  I'm not sure how that is possible, because I'm only, like, 18.  My first-born.  A complex mix of sweet and sass.  She wants to be a fashion designer.

Appreciating: All the sweet compliments on the Easter dress!  You all are the best cheerleaders ever.  xoxo



I'm spinning today.  Between things that have to get done, and things I want to do.  Spring finally arriving and the plans that are inspired by seasonal changes (pansies!  mulch!  shaving my legs!)   Between a stove that needs to be broken in and a birthday bash for a 12 year old tomorrow night that still needs some loose ends tied up.  A slipcover.  A basement entertainment area that seems like it will never be finished.  Work that pays the bills.  Closets that need cleaning.  Catching up on correspondence.  Washing my hair. 

And then this morning I was flipping through flickr (see how good I am at procrastinating?) and saw Molly's photos.  Of her new old house. And then jumped over to her blog.  And, well.  That's some good reading.  So go pour yourself another cup and go read her post.  She's a lucky gal to be making such a move.  And we, dear friends, are lucky she sat down to tell us all about it.  Make sure you click the link on her sidebar, to read the long version.  You'll see. 

And thank you, Molly, for sharing so much of this special adventure with us.  xoxo

I'm going to try and right myself and walk a straight line to the weekend.  ;)
