craft hope

{ giveaway } Winner!

It is still morning in some parts of the world. 

When I said I'd post the winner of the book drawing on Friday morning I had totally forgotten about  my standing Friday Morning Coffee plans with friends.  So.  Now I'm caffeinated, Wonderbaby is asleep, and I'm going to get down to business.

Righty ho!


Thanks to for making it so easy to pick a number, even if it lacks the hoopla and dramatics of a live ticket drawing.  My first ever random comment drawing goes like this:

Woohoo!  Very exciting, yes?

Congratulations, Lise of In the Purple House!  You have won a copy of Craft Hope: Handmade Crafts for a Cause.  I hope you enjoy it, sweets!


{ craft hope } project 9: pillowcases

Have you heard about Craft Hope's Project 9 Pillowcases!?

ConKerr Cancer was started back in 2002, when Cindy Kerr's son was hospitalized for cancer treatment and she brightened his room with a fun pillowcase.  Once she saw how much Ryan loved it, she began making pillowcases for the other children in the oncology unit.  Since then, over 210,000 pillowcases have been made for sick children all over the world

Wow.  (Seriously, I challenge you to read through their website and not get choked up!  Especially the tribute to her son.  *sob*)  Most of the time when I read stuff like this, I just get overwhelmed.  I want to help, but I don't know how to reach out.  You know what?  I can make a pillowcase.  So can you. 

This is a quick and easy project.  Once you have your fabrics washed, it really only takes about 15 minutes to make one.  What a great way to use some of that stash fabric, too.  :)

I've challenged myself to make four cases: one for a teenage boy, a teenage girl, a little boy and a little girl. 


So far I've got the boys done.  A Mizzou-inspired simple combo (Go Tigers!!) and a Spidey. 


Up next, some pink and florals. Girls. They're so easy.

Pc 003

Want to join in?  ConKerr Cancer has the super simple directions on their site and the Craft Hope project deadline is September 15.  You may, of course, continue to make pillowcases for them as long as you want! 

Please send your finished pillowcases the address specified by your regional coordinator.

(I was thinking about upping the ante on the free book drawing -- like telling others on your blog or facebook about Craft Hope's Project 9, but I have no idea how to keep track of that stuff.  But why don't you it anyway??  Spread Hope!!!)

~ misschris

{ giveaway } Craft Hope book

We are smack dab in the middle of Craft Hope Book Month hysteria and the good stuff just won't stop.  Those generous people at Lark Craft have provided me with a book to give away and I'm just thrilled that one of my own PPF friends has a chance to win it.

So, would you like a free copy of Craft Hope: Handmade Crafts for a Cause?

You would?!  Super!


I'm not exactly an expert with the whole giveaway thing, so let's keep it simple.  Leave a comment on this post by midnight, Central Time, Thursday, August 19th and I'll announce the winner Friday morning. Woohoo!

Note to the future winner:  After you win and dance around with your new book that is chock full of projects for causes and inspiration and goodness, make sure you turn to page 90.  


Happy Monday!

miss chris

{ good good stuff } the Craft Hope Book

Craft-Hope-cover Perhaps you have already heard all about this Craft Hope excitement...

About Jade, who had this Crazy Idea that people who like to make things might enjoy using that talent to help others. And about how it all started with 27 pillowcase dresses for an orphanage in Mexico. 

About how the publishers at Lark Crafts stumbled upon her efforts and approached her about writing a book.  And how it features 32 projects that have been paired up with deserving charities from around the world.

About how it has hit stores in the last couple weeks and is FLYING off the shelves.  (Even though today is the official release day!)

CYL_hope If you haven't, or you are interested in knowing just a little bit more about the Craft Hope Book and organization, head over to the the Lark Crafts website, where they are hosting a Month of Hope.  Right now it features an interview with sweet and funny and inspired Jade.  I dare you not to love her after reading it. :)  


Okay, here's the hard part. It just seems like shameless self-promotion, but I have to share because I am honored to be included in an amazing list of crafters and bloggers featured in this book.  Really, if you had told me a year ago that some simple pillowcase project of mine would be included in a book with these talented people I would have two words for you: Shut Up.

But it is in there, all the same.  As soon as I heard it had hit Barnes and Noble I had to see for myself. It was on the shelf already.

Photo 1 

And there I was, not two seconds later, posing with my first published book submission ever, accompanied by several confused onlookers, my girlfriend, daughter, and her best friend -- who was the only reason we have a photo at all because she had her iPhone handy.


I bought one and sent it to my mom, who introduced me to the whole sewing thing over 30 years ago. 

The kind people at Lark have donated a book for a blog giveaway this August. I've never done one before, so I'll save that for another post when I have my act together.  Stay tuned.

Anyway, Happy Craft Hope Book Release Day!  And Congratulations to my dear friend, Jade.  You Rock!

miss chris

{ sewing } t-shirt to tiny dress refashion

What started out as a simple 'mommy's t-shirt to toddler dress refashion' turned into a photoshoot with my cheeky Wonderbaby. Happens like that sometimes.

I have a tutorial in the works, but I thought I'd just show you the fun we had yesterday while I was trying to get The After Photo.  (Because everybody like Wonderbaby pics, right?)

{ oh heavens, I'm melting. }

{ not thrilled about the headband }

{ ace }

{ 13 mos }

{ 13 months }

Thanks for indulging me.  There are days I just want a Pause button.  Yesterday was one of them.  


My baby isn't really a baby anymore.

She is starting to take steps.

We are in the beginning stages of saying words we all understand.  She has kind of decided she likes a sippy cup of milk better than a snuggle with mommy.  Don't get me started on that one.  Sniff. 

She is growing into this happy go lucky little toddler that just wants to hang out with her older sisters and play and put on makeup and pet the dog and say Mooo and blow kisses and dig in the sandbox and eat everything in sight.  She is a snuggle-bunny and a hide-and-seeker.  She has a deep belly laugh that reminds me of Fidget at that age.  

What a privilege it is to get to raise these kiddos.  They teach and delight me more than I ever could in return.

Well.  I didn't mean to say all that, but I guess I'm feeling sentimental. 

All-righty then!


In other news, Craft Hope's Project 9 was announced yesterday!  This is such an amazing community, I get goosebumps just thinking about all the beautiful, generous hearts there are in this world.   Over 65,000 washcloths were made and delivered by crafters to the IMMS Center for Project 8.  There was such a response that the project had to be put ON HOLD because the center now has more towels than they can store or will need to clean rescued wildlife for quite a while.  Awesome. 

And I'm sure the outpouring of love will be just a great for Project 9!  From the Craft Hope site:

For Project 9 we will be working with ConKerr Cancer to benefit terminally ill children. ConKerr Cancer was established two years ago to put smiles upon the faces of terminally ill children in the hospital. They provide bright and cheery handmade pillowcases for these children. They have succeeded in delivering 225,000 pillowcases up to this date. They have a goal of providing a beautiful pillowcase for every seriously ill child in North America by 2012. Well I think we can just help them achieve that goal don’t you?

If you are planning to participate, please visit the link above for details and leave a comment so they can anticipate the response.  Thank you!

miss chris

{ quilts } For Mack

I love it when the end product turns out just like what you imagined.


This baby quilt is for Mack.  Short for Macarthur.  Mack's Daddy -- ha!-- is one of hubs' best friends and this is about three months late.  But to be fair, they wouldn't reveal the sex until he was born, so I'm not going to beat myself up over it.


For this quilt, I used mens' dress shirts and some basic quilter's cottons.  I LOVE how the dress shirt cuttings work in there.  I wanted to make a boy baby quilt that didn't scream TRACTORS or DINOSAURS or BALLS or whatever... but something that would still read 'boy'.


I'm in love with this kind of random stripey crazy quilting.  (The results, anyway.  Machine quilting is still my second choice, but it is quickly becoming my favorite way to drive myself batty on a Saturday night.)


A good satin stitch project is one of the only ways I can sit still long enough to watch a show.  I loved using this font -- printed it out, and traced it onto the fabric using the light from a window.  Very high-tech. 


That's it. The one thing I would change maybe is to use a flannel inside instead of the batting.  As heavily quilted as this thing is, it feels a little stiff for a baby.  Hopefully, Mack's Mommy will wash it a lot and it will soften.  But I always worry that gift quilts are going to end up on a shelf.  

Jenny, if you're reading this, DON'T be afraid to wash it!  xoxoxo


FYI:  The Craft Hope for Haiti Shop is still adding new items!!

Beki Several of the mini quilts pictured in Pretty Little Mini Quilts from Lark Books (soon to be released) were listed for sale just last night.

This one was made by my friend Beki from artsy crafty babe.  Isn't it gorgeous?

Also, if you haven't checked there in a while, there are also a few hangbags donated by Amy Butler herself, like this Field BagAB-bag .  The pinkness is killing me.

There are also several books that have been donated -- including signed copies of Hh The Creative Family and Handmade Home, both by Amanda Soule.

According to Sarah and Jade, the shop has now raised over $30,000 for Doctors Without Borders in Haiti. Wow. That's something big.


{sewing } parade of Christmas Gifts, for the princess

It's been a crazy couple of weeks, hasn't it? 

In case you haven't heard, the Craft Hope for Haiti Etsy shop has raised over $28,000 for Doctors Without Borders.  That just takes my breath away.  We are still adding new things to the shop daily and the sales continue to add up.  So if you have bought something from the store or donated something to the store -- or both -- THANK YOU!!! 

And it can't be said enough, so I'm going to just say it again for the heck of it.  Many, many thanks to Sarah and Jade for taking charge and making it happen.   Honestly, there is so much behind the many emails!!  My word, the amount of email matching from etsy, from paypal, from the donations, from buyers with questions, from the listers.... it boggles my mind.  I'm pretty sure there are super powers involved, but no one is talking.

I'm going to keep updating the store total on the right, under the Craft Hope for Haiti button, just in case you're curious. 


And now.

On with our regularly scheduled program.

Installment #3 of the Parade of Handmade Christmas Gifties, the Emma Princess Dress:

(photos courtesy of the Queen, my friend Katie.  Thanks, honey!!  xoxo)

It is equal parts:

thrifted vintage blousy polyester
70s floral
girly color explosion
and 'tude (evidently) 

This is the second play dress I have made to grow with the princess.  It has adjustable straps (see top right photo, button holes on straps) a velcro back closure at waist, and a button with elastic tie.  It seems like around our house, dresses are either too small or too big and there aren't easy ways to make them fit all of our friends.  With a few adjustments, this one can.  :)

The fact that I scored all this awesome poly for $1.30 and still have some left over is even better.  Six -year-olds shouldn't have all the fun, should they?

Next up, prezzies for the girlfriends...

Happy Weekend, Everyone!  (it's not too late to throw a Miss America Party of your own, you know... )

{ parade break } Craft Hope for Haiti Etsy Store

I'm sure you already figured this out, but I'm taking a break in the Parade of Handmade to help Jade and Sarah with the Craft Hope for Haiti Etsy Store project.

It's all so humbling...The number of donations that are coming in.  How quickly the items are selling.  The speed at which the news of this project is spreading.  Good triumphs.  It totally does. 

Craft Hope Etsy Store for Haiti Website 

If you haven't had a chance to check it out, make sure you do. 

Some of my faves so far? 

This bag.  Oh my.

kawaii bag

and this one, too...


This gorgeousness sold already...


So did this adorableness...


and this schnazziness, which makes me long for 80 degree weather...


....but maybe you can get there fast enough to snatch

Princess Print 

...  or ....

Hot Spots Quilt 

Not feeling that spendy?  How about $4? 

Embroidery pattern

All proceeds go to Doctors Without Borders.  We are listing items nearly every minute and they are going as fast as we can get them up there, so check back often.  You won't be sorry!



{ help } Craft Hope for Haiti

Looking for a way to help the earthquake victims of Haiti?

The Craft Hope gals have set up an Etsy shop where 100% of the proceeds go to help Doctors Without Borders.  You can donate items for sale or just get spendy and know it's for a good cause.

I'm working on a few things to donate to the shop, but in the meantime I keep popping over to look at the goods doing good... things are selling like crazy over there, so you have to be quick.  Have fun.  This is shopping you can really feel good about.

because Hope is worth it

Princess McGassypants is making things tricky around here.  It's hard to carve out enough time to craft, let alone take pictures and blog about it.  You know the drill.  Feed baby.  Rock baby.  Make the super-gentle transfer to a cozy spot for a quick nap.  Cross fingers and let go.  Tip-toe across the room, hoping to squeeze in a teeth-brushing, and maybe - MAYBE - a shower.  And toss in a load of freshly pooped-on stuff.  (It's all worth it, of course, and life WILL return to normal.  I'm just sayin'.  It's tricky to be all craft-blogger these days.)

But some things are even more important than showering and doing the laundry.  Like the difference craft hope, the little craft-for-a-cause brainchild of my dear friend jade, is making all over the world. 

for a craft hope baby somewhere on the other side of the world...

This little baby blanket will be off to a needy newborn in India before long.   I still haven't made a thing for my own little newborn (unless breastmilk counts, ha), but this was something I really wanted to do.  My own children are so fortunate, so comfortable and so loved... my heart couldn't help but break for the tiny babies in India.  It's a small contribution, but I know it will make a difference.

Please take a few minutes to read Eren's account of the doll deliveryto the Casa Bernabe orphanage in Nicaragua. I cannot convey how amazing it feels to know that the first little doll I made is making some little girl happy, somewhere so far away.  Even if you don't have enough time to read Eren's amazing trip report, take a moment to see the beautiful photos.  Craft Hope is making a difference.  It's such a privilege to be part of it. 

Here's the thing.  You don't need a blog to participate.  You don't need to be an accomplished crafter.  You don't need to spend a lot of money.  It doesn't even take that much time.  Just sign up and send in your project donation.  There is no long term commitment (but you'll want to join the cause again and again).  I'm just saying, if a mom with a newborn and two other kids can squeeze in a little time, it isn't impossible.  I'll let you know about the next sign-up and maybe you can join in, too.  You know you want to...  

And honestly, it's crazy how much it fills you up.  You might be making a difference for someone far away, but I'm pretty sure you'll notice a difference a little closer to home, too.  Crafting Hope feeds your soul.  xoxo

{ blanket details, for those of you who are curious: It's a thrifted vintage sheet on one side, and reused pink flannel gingham baby blanket on the other.  Both sides are so soft.  No batting, but it is quilted together to keep its form.  It's bound with simple white bias tape and only about 30" square.} 

Ok, now it's shower time.