Our Patio Must-Haves

Spooky Halloween Bottles (free printable!)


Halloween is one of those excuses to have a little goofy fun with your decor. It doesn't have to be jack-o-lanterns and severed heads or anything, just a little off-center. This year I decided my inspiration would be more 'Disney's Haunted Mansion' than Nightmare on Elm Street.  

(Let's be honest. Nightmare never 'inspired' me. It kept me up for days!) 


Turning old bottles into punny props is a simple way to add some humor to your bar cart or to create an unforgettable centerpiece. Unicorn Tears...anyone?  How about some Elixir of Doom? Blood Curdling Cream? It is seriously so fun. 

I created a little sheet of FREE Printable labels for you to download and use to your heart's content, and I know you have some empty bottles in that recycling bin... so you have no excuse. Thrift stores are also a great place to find old bottles. The more oddly shaped, the better!


You will need:

  • Clean bottles with old labels soaked off 
  • Printed Spooky Labels
  • Mod Podge (I used satin finish)
  • Paintbrush to apply modpodge. (It might ruin it, so don't use your best)
  • Scissors
  • (optional)dark green, black or red acrylic paint
  • (optional) old scraps of lace 
  • (optional) glitter glue
  • (optional) food coloring 


Step 1: (no photo) Apply the modpodge to the labels you want to use. This will give the label a coated finish. Go over the edges so when you cut, your labels will be clean. Allow it to dry. 

Step 2:  Cut out your labels


Step 3: (not pictured) Flip the label over and place it on a piece of scrap paper. Apply a coat of mod podge to the back of the label, making sure to cover all the edges.

Step 4: Apply the label to the bottle, pressing from the inside of the label out, to smooth any wrinkles. Touch up any extra MP that might leak out around the edges with a paper towel. 


Since I was making Unicorn Tears, I had purchased purple glitter glue to pour into my bottle. 


I like the look of old lace, too. 


Variations include:

  • Adding paint to Mod Podge and creating a glaze.  The green bottle in the photo below was clear glass and we mixed dark green paint with a little MP and painted it right on the outside of the glass. It won't hold up to the dishwasher, but I liked the contrast in color with the other bottles. 
  • Adding food coloring to water to fill your bottle
  • Adding both water and oil, but only adding color to one. 
  • Adding details: Annmarie added glass beads + green water to "Eye of Newt"
  • Leave it empty: one of our jars has cobwebs 




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