September 2010
{ giveaway } Herringbone Lane Frock
September 21, 2010
The mini-boden challenge is still underway. And I am still working on the coat. The gorgeous faux rabbit fur arrived yesterday and it is PERFECT.
But oy, that coat has slowed me down.
So let's make this fun again, shall we?
I'm going to give away a PPF charcoal gray toddler dress, size 2-6, just like this one.
It's made of the softest herringbone suiting fabric ever. I know, you don't think suiting = soft, but take my word for it. This Is Luscious! Perfect with leggings or tights or jeans or bobbie socks. Dress it up or down... and throw it in the wash when you're done. Doesn't get easier than that.
Just leave a comment at the bottom of this post for one entry.
And link back to the this post for a second entry...
and share it on Facebook for a third!
(ok, I'm having a hard time figuring out who has shared it or liked or whatever on FB. Any tips here from those of you who have?)
I'll announce the winner Friday morning. We can celebrate while I'm on my way to Seattle for the Dottie Angel Workshop. Wooohoo!
{ love this! } things I'd like to try + a baby blanket
September 19, 2010
As if a mile-high stack of clothing projects in the sewing room, kitchen makeover planning, that etsy shop that keeps staring with sad doggy eyes, and a new workout regime weren't already fighting for every spare minute of my time... I keep finding little projects here and there and adding them to my list.
This tiny little play house at house wren studioAlicia's wrist cuff tutorial
Dyeing trim and what not a la Beki
Crochet a flowered baby beanie cap once I have figured out how to crochet.
The Japanese coin purse at Purl Bee
And I have been terrible about reading up on everything these days, so I'm sure there are more fun projects out there. What are you wanting to try???
Photos are of a baby blanket made for Fidget's former teacher, Miss Andrea. Fidge was so excited to attend her very first baby shower.
Like the blanket that Jade made for Wonderbaby, this one is backed with a fuzzy minky fabric, turned inside out and topstitched around the edge for closure. There must be something to it, because WB kept wanting to snuggle it, too.
Happy Weekending! xoxo
{ sewing } mini boden challenge
September 14, 2010
Did you think I had forgotten?
Because I so have not.
I have, however, gotten all up-to-my-ears in this coat for Fidget. As I was waiting for the Duffle Coat pattern from Oliver + S to arrive, it occurred to me that I had never used the Wanderings Coat pattern that I bought two years ago from Sugar City.
While I am very impatient, it seems I also procrastinate. Ha ha! I'm so complex.
At any rate, Fidget's new Wanderings Coat is very close to completion (and I kind of want one for myself). It is taking longer than the usual one or two-day project, so if it weren't so yummy and delicious I would have put it down a while ago. My goal is to finish it this week.
So, no. I don't have anything new to show you.
I am thrilled that a few of you have posted some of your own back to school wardrobe knock-offs in the Mini Boden Challenge Flickr Group! Woohoo!
Emily is busy making adorable pants for her handsome crew:
Jill tackled ruffles (love!) and took them on overdrive with this sweet swingy tunic:
mcholley1 made her own little elephant jumper (with vintage denim, to boot!):
What clever, creative mamas you are!
[ Got a knock-off up your sleeve? Doesn't have to have mini-boden, my friend. Anything! If you said, heck, I could *make* something like that, and did, join in in the fun. Make sure you link to the original, and I'd love to showcase them here! ]
Have a happy and productive week~
(oh and thanks for the sweet comments on the nursery! It might be my favorite room of the house.)
miss chris
{ remembering }
September 11, 2010
I was living in Southern California. My mother called me while I was getting my daughter ready for school.
Have you seen the news this morning? she asked.
I was rushing about my apartment, looking for an extra shoe and making sure my Kindergartener has something to eat. No, I said.
Well, the World Trade Center, in New York? It's been hit by... by a plane. Turn on your tv..
Oh, mom...
Yes, it's terrible.
Oh my God.
Mom, it's falling.
I took her to school that day. I had to work. The faces on all of the parents and teachers said the same thing as we looked upon the innocent children who were running here and there. This is too much.
Too much. What do we tell the children? How do we teach about the bad in some people's hearts?
The skies over Orange County were silent for days, even though I lived two miles from John Wayne Intl Airport and close to the El Toro Military base. When we did finally hear planes, it was the slow, low, loud engine of the B-2s, loaded up with supplies and servicemen and women.
We sat glued to our tv sets, transfixed by the images of Ground Zero and the stories. The stories of heartbreak and heroics.
We were sad and we were angry. We came together. Neighbors helped each other. We're in this together, we said. We're Americans.
There is good in the hearts of people, too. That. That is what we teach the children.
Even as I write this, my eyes are welling with tears. Nightmarish doesn't even begin to describe those days, does it?
Even so, it is encouraging to witness the pluckiness of this country. Taking its lumps and moving on. The determination and commitment to endure.
Today I am remembering and it makes my heart heavy. But it also swells with love and awe at this great nation and its people.
God Bless you, America. It's an honor and a privilege to call you my home.
Have you seen the news this morning? she asked.
I was rushing about my apartment, looking for an extra shoe and making sure my Kindergartener has something to eat. No, I said.
Well, the World Trade Center, in New York? It's been hit by... by a plane. Turn on your tv..
Oh, mom...
Yes, it's terrible.
Oh my God.
Mom, it's falling.
I took her to school that day. I had to work. The faces on all of the parents and teachers said the same thing as we looked upon the innocent children who were running here and there. This is too much.
Too much. What do we tell the children? How do we teach about the bad in some people's hearts?
The skies over Orange County were silent for days, even though I lived two miles from John Wayne Intl Airport and close to the El Toro Military base. When we did finally hear planes, it was the slow, low, loud engine of the B-2s, loaded up with supplies and servicemen and women.
We sat glued to our tv sets, transfixed by the images of Ground Zero and the stories. The stories of heartbreak and heroics.
We were sad and we were angry. We came together. Neighbors helped each other. We're in this together, we said. We're Americans.
There is good in the hearts of people, too. That. That is what we teach the children.
Even as I write this, my eyes are welling with tears. Nightmarish doesn't even begin to describe those days, does it?
Even so, it is encouraging to witness the pluckiness of this country. Taking its lumps and moving on. The determination and commitment to endure.
Today I am remembering and it makes my heart heavy. But it also swells with love and awe at this great nation and its people.
God Bless you, America. It's an honor and a privilege to call you my home.
{ home } Wonderbaby's Room
September 11, 2010
15 months ago I had a baby. Since we didn't know for certain (although Hubs 100% suspected) that our newest little bundle would be yet another girl, the nursery sat unadorned for many months.
Many months.
And then I started picking away at it.
Knowing that by the time it was complete, she would be quite past the new-baby stage (sigh. Do not let me go There.), I didn't want to incorporate anything that we would have to switch out again for a few years.
Also, there was the color palette. Deep Red. Aqua. Bright yellow. Pink. An overscaled Heather Bailey Pineapple Brocade! I could even do it from my stash, as there was serious yardage left over from a project for the teengirl that took a u-turn long ago.
Honestly, when I shared this with others, there was often a courteous smile and nod. I am positive they thought I was creating some kind of circus-like nightmare. Giant pineapples in a baby's room. Heavens to Betsy!
Neveryoumind. I knew what I was doing and marched on, albeit with some trepidation.
There is a mini down comforter for which I made a duvet. Wonderbaby likes her blankets and coziness. The bedding is simple. I made a pink bedskirt and added coordinating ties to a simple pink yard-sale bumper. The framed crewel piece is one of my favorite finds from a local thrift. I've had it for years and it works perfectly in here.
The window faces east, so it is lit up with the most gorgeous sunshine in the morning. Makes getting decent photos a bit tricky for some reason... seems like there is either a lot of light in there, or not. At any rate, The exposure meant that the floor length curtains needed a heavy duty lining. I tried pleating the curtains for the first time, and they are quite far from perfect, but I like how it reduced bulk at the rod. And it gives a playful print a more tailored look.
The dresser was picked up for $25 and given a new life with paint. I love love love this color. It's not too bubble gum or cadillac. The hardware is original. I know, it was perfect. I say it all the time, but they just don't make furniture like this anymore. They don't. It is so solid! (Do you like the finger smudges on the mirror?! Good. I'm just keeping it real. )
There are plenty of blankets that get moved around and used all over. One is a gorgeous quilt made by Beki, another is a red baby blanket from miss laeroport, one was picked up in the nie-nie auction in 2008, and a couple others are vintage finds that I had to rescue. They take turns in the crib and out and sometimes covering up with white rocker that has seen years of constant use. Jade made us one as well, but babygirl has adopted that as her snuggly favorite and it is never around for a photoshoot.
My favorite corner of the room is this, which is directly in front of you when you are walking up the stairs. The print is from Elsie, and I picked it up at the Red Velvet Art brick and mortar store when home in Springfield last year. The red shoes are from Jen. I made the green dress in a last minute mad dash for St. Patty's wear. The deer was picked up antiquing with my mom in Florida two years ago.
I still love embroidery. The simple stuff especially. I'm breaking tradition and by putting it up there, but I really like how her name became art so easily.
My mother in law made a cross stitch birth announcement for the wall, and it hangs by my rocker with this felt circle garland (from the Craft Hope for Haiti fundraiser) that I love but for which I can't seem to find a home. That moves around the room and sometimes comes downstairs for parties. Lucky garland!
The nursery is not finished, of course. What room ever is? I have a vinyl cuckoo clock decal on it's way from Etsy to go over the mirror, and some day I would love to replace this carpet and/or get a pretty area rug. But for now, it's all good.
It's a happy little space and Wonderbaby wakes up cheery every day.
{ thrifted } Supplies for the Dottie Weekend
September 09, 2010
Thank you so much for the sweet comments left about Rory's baby quilt. It was a joy to make and design, but a girl still has self doubt. I do. I don't often blog about blogging... it's a bit to meta for me, but I do think about it all the time. The tiny impact that little comments and encouragement leave on a person. Or negativity for that matter. It's so much more than virtual. I know you know what I'm talking about, so I'll get on with things. In short, thanks. It means a lot. xo
Jade called me out (on FB) when she said the Rory quilt was Dottie Angel-ish. I do have her aesthetic on the brain, as we are getting ready for our weekend retreat on the 24th. (With Beki too! Look out, Seattle. You have no idea what havoc awaits.)
Amassing the supplies has been terribly fun. So far they have all been found thrifting. This is my stash of trims and binding and hem tape.
There is talk about refashioning a slip and making all sorts of lovely things from a variety of scraps and grannyish doohickies we were told to bring along. I'm quite sure everyone in my day to day life who has heard me rambling on about this is hoping they don't end up with some stranger's upcycled undergarments for Christmas this year.
I have had very good luck finding the doilies and trimmings. Pillowcases and whatnots.
The stool, not so much. I thought I could fashion one myself. One with removable legs that I could fit into a suitcase. There is still time. It will involve power tools. Hubs doesn't like it so much when that happens. I'm clumsy. I don't have to bring one, but I love a challenge.
There still are two weeks, after all.
Until then, I have some crochet videos to watch. Apparently the needles have not yet seen the last of my lame attempts at blanket-making. Need I remind you what happened last time? The giant ruffle that would. not. stop. Miss Dottie Angel has her work cut out for her.
miss chris
{ sewing } baby quilt for Rory
September 07, 2010
We have been celebrating the sweetest news a la Fence.
There is a new cousin to love.
To snuggle.
To grow with.
Another little girl for the gaggle.
And we are so very very thrilled.
Little Rory, we can't wait to love you up in person. (New Mexico is So Far!)
miss chris and her girlies
Supplies: vintage sheeting + quilting cotton + flannel backing.
Technique: In lieu of batting, I used simple quilter's cotton inside. This is not a fluffy or stiff quilt -- very lightweight! Running-stitch embroidery both before and after quilting. Cotton heart doily applique on reverse. Crazy quilted stripes in all directions.
I loved making this one with all my heart. The sheets are so incredibly soft, and the doily adds that special extra texture that babies love. We heard the nursery was pink and brown (or tan), so I just went with that. I hope it doesn't clash too terribly much and gets lots of use.
I want this! I have 3 girls, two of which could fight over who gets to wear it! Pick me!
September 21, 2010 at 05:11 PM