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May 2010

Mother's Day Weekend. (Or, that time I met Sarah and we were bffs)

Mother's Day Arizona Weekend Getaway 2010 was a keeper.

We stayed at The Boulders Resort in Carefree, AZ.  Oh my goodneth. 

mother's day weekend 2010

It was beautiful. 

And there were these wild pig looking things called Javelinas that were burrowed under our condo -- 12 or 14 of them, with babies.  They are not supposed to be dangerous but they have REALLY big FANGS and can spray you like a skunk.  We thought they were cute.

wild hairy javelina

Until they started after us...

why did the wild hairy (not a pig) cross the road?

Because they look really scary scratching themselves and all. ha.

The resort was lovely.  It always amazes me how much color there is in the desert. 

mother's day weekend 2010

mother's day weekend 2010

This was the view from our deck.  Straight ahead were The Boulders.  And to the right, the sunset.

mother's day weekend 2010

Not bad.

proof. ha.

And, I got to meet Sarah and Baby Kit, Annika and Gunnar (as well as the dogs Luna and Charlie, who reminds me of Dauber from that Coach TV show from 1989 or so. And the chickens.  Like Rosie, the goth chicken.)  As Sarah would say, they are so "full of the awesome."  As were the lemonbars and the lemon tree and the sewing room and That Baby.  Oh dear.

I could go on and on about Sarah and how she is just as genuine and funny and smart in person as you would expect her to be.  I'm short on time, though, and well, I think you get it.  She is just that good.  They all are.  And I was so lucky to have a few hours (some on Friday and some on Monday) with her during our trip.

The rest of our stay looked like this:

mother's day weekend 2010

honey deuce

I'm so not kidding.  Hubs stays on for another 6 days to play golf every year.  This is his way of buttering me up before sending me home to the kiddos.  As wonderful as our time was, I sure did miss those girls.

Back soon.  Have a fun little pillowcase project in the works.  xoxo

on vacation


Literally and figuratively for now, I think......

Life is very good. I'm slowing down and savoring things these days. I'm not sure what that means for this little old blog yet. Stay tuned.

Lots of good news out there, too. Baby Audrey received a heart transplant and there is talk of all things -- discharge! Believe in miracles, I tell you.

Jade's Craft Hope Book will be out this summer.  I can't wait to see that book in stores, especially because I've got a project in it.   Look at me, tooting the horn.  ;)

Heather just announced she is working on a book, too. 

....And Rachel will be doing the photography!

Did you see Alicia's home in The Stir?  I have always loved her home, but his tour makes it even better, if that is possible.  Homey and sophisticated and clean and modern. 

So many talented friends.

Tomorrow I will be on a plane with hubs bound for Scottsdale and four days of complete goofing off. I plan to do nothing but sleep in a eat a lot and sit by the pool and, oh yes.... visit with Sarah and hold that sweet new baby of hers.  Go ahead, be jealous. ;)

Until soon...  xoxo