news from new baby land
August 17, 2009
I really miss this space and connecting with readers and friends. I miss stopping by all of the inspiring creative blogs that were part of my daily coffee. But things are going well and starting to feel more normal around here.
First of all, my dear friend Lori from Laeroport stopped by not long ago and we had the best day. You'll have to read her account of it, though, because she took photos of all the goodies she brought for my girls and she is uber-talented with a needle. And brave! She even appliqued a tank top for my very particular 13 year old, who happened to love it. Impressive, no? Thank you again, Lori. (She also brought along her daughter, Aidin, who is just about the sweetest girl ever. And tidiest. I think the playroom was cleaner when she left than when they got here.)
The snuggling continues. Does this little girl ever like her snuggle.
She is still very fussy (hee. I just wrote 'fuzzy' and she is that, too.) but is thankfully sleeping fairly well at night. That is, she wakes, eats, and goes right back to sleep. After two nightowls that required walking around in the pitch dark and singing showtunes at 2am, this is a welcome change.
The flip side of this awesome scenario is that we are not napping much during the day. And lo, productivity around here (aside from milk, that is) has come to a screeching halt.
I'm totally in awe of those bloggers who have new babies and just keep on blogging and crafting and reading other blogs and commenting on them and keeping up with Facebook and Twitter and Oh. My. Heck. Please. Tell me, how do you do it?
is there a special superhero cape I don't know about?
I'm only kind of kidding. i am attending to the matters of a master bathroom missing the final touches since last July and making plans to start the nursery soon after that. Hopefully we will have photos of something other than Princess Poopypants (as she is affectionately known around here) very soon...
Excuse me. Duty calls. It's in the form of a 10 pound bundle of squirmy sweetness with a dirty diaper. See? I told you.
Have a happy week!