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i'm so glad it went well. then again, i had no doubts!!!


Yay! I thought about you all weekend :)

Sarah :: greenclogs

hooray! So glad you have this and that they have you. xo


Yay! Happy for you!


Congrats! I'm over at Hickory Dickory. It's fun but it is keeping me a little busier than I need right now. I didn't get a chance to check out Brocante or any of the other shops this past weekend - hopefully next sale! Your space looks great and I love your logo design.

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Kansas Citians - mark your calendars! Our next Weekend Event is February 1-3

Store hours:
Friday 9-9
Saturday 9-6
Sunday 11-4

Hope to see you there! xoxo

Brocante Bliss
1222 W 12th St, Kansas City, MO 64101

Drop me a line at:
chris (at) pemberlie (dot) com